Tuesday 23 September 2014


Morning all. 
Gosh the days are slipping by, nearly the end of the month but the weather is still looking settled.
This means pointing for the hubby as he continues to point the old barn walls. 
It also means that as it's Tuesday it's another challenge at Cardz4Guyz
This week we would like to see your creations on the theme of -


Just before I show  you my card for the DT inspiration I would like to thank you for your wonderful response to our no patterned paper challenge last week. Pop over to the main site to check who Helen has chosen for her top 3, not an easy decision. 
OK, now for my card -

This week I have gone down the digital route for part of my card. As the ink on the printer was running low I thought I would try using a digital programme to make the background.
I used NitWits digital papers - Aye Aye Captain and the sketch from this weeks Sketch Saturday.

As I used this LOTV By the River stamp for the image I mirrored the sketch to allow for the floating log.
Once I got my head around the programme I ended up with a finished look that perhaps was a little flat in comparison to using layering but it's certainly easier on the ink!
To give more dimension I fussy cut the main image and popped him up on pads. I also added a white layer before mounting on a mustardy base card.

I shall also enter the following challenges:-
Allsorts - Inspired by a film title - A River Runs Through
Tokbobok - Masculine

OK, that's about it. Why not pop over to the main blog to check out the rest of the DT inspiration and join in the fun.
Thanks for stopping by, see you back soon.


  1. So cute Julie!

    (i just noticed the lovely fussy cutting of the grass... You might want to enter our fussy cutting challenge at AAA cards this week!

  2. Julie, your card is simply adorable! Thank you so much for fussy cutting with us at AAA Cards!

  3. Oh, wow! I love how you used the image and your fussy cutting is impressive. Fantastic card!

  4. This is adorable, Julie! Thanks for joining us for Sketch Saturday this week!

  5. Sweet design Julie. Love this little guy --- adorable! Loll xx

  6. Sweet and adorable card, great design.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  7. Such a gorgeous card Jules. What a fab job you have done on the background...I wouldn't know where to start!! Such a sweet little guy too xx

  8. Super sweet card Julie and great movie choice to go with it.

    Thanks for joining in at Allsorts this week.

    B x

  9. This is a tough theme, but you've pulled it off brilliantly! Great male card (full strength, definitely NOT watered down).

  10. What a sweet little guy! So glad you could play along at AAA Cards

  11. Cute! That was a lot of cutting. Thank you so much for joining up with AAA Cards this week.

  12. Cute card and I love you wavy water x

  13. Fab creation, thanks for joining Allsorts challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x


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