Thursday 1 August 2024

Color Hues #92

Good afternoon.
It's the 1st of the month so it must mean there's a new colour duo from Color Hues.
When I saw the pairing I decided to abandon the floral route and dig around in my stash for something suitable and found this ancient PB image on a wooden block I picked up in a bargain bucket over 5 years ago and not used! Here's what I came up with.


I've been following the latest series from Penny Black and Jill Foster, Permission to Play, on You Tube. Whilst I don't like all of the sketches, the first one was just the right one for these two characters!

Firstly I removed the stamp from the block, a lot easier that I expected, it really must be an old one, 2009 when I looked! The sticky was still active, it fit into the MISTI without anything else, so I stamped it with Memento Tuxedo Black ink onto Copic friendly card and coloured the image with Copics. 

I wasn't sure what sort of sentiment to add, so another trawl through the stash brought me to this one from an Altenew set. My BFF used to be my badminton partner so the image reminded me of our league playing days, which are sadly long since past, but she's been persuaded to take up Crown Green Bowls by a mutual badminton playing friend and although initially she didn't 'get' it, she's persevered and is now playing matches. Well the long and short of it is the sentiment was a nod to what really made her happy back in the day, not that these critters would win many matches holding their racquets like that!

I followed the sketch from Jill, embossing a panel of pink card with a large dot EF of unknown make and inking with Picked Raspberry DI, added it to a base card along with the coloured panel.

So where will the colours take you? As usual the girls have some fab inspiration over on the Color Hues blog, should you need it. We'd love to see what you make of this new colour pair.

Joining in over at:-

AG or Food

Animal Magic


  1. Your little mouse and hedgie are absolutely ADORABLE Julie, and although they might not be pro badminton players, they do look like they're having fun! The sentiment is a perfect fit and I love the polka dotted embossed pink background too (we must have been on the same wavelength for that!). Cute, CUTE card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  2. So adorable, Jules!! Love this image in your challenge colours. Especially love the images paired with the large polka-dot embossing! xx

  3. This older PB image is so cute, and while they made not be contenders in a Badminton tournament, they certainly look like they're have fun and beautifully colored as well, Julie! The polka dot embossed background is a perfect setting for this fun scene. Fabulous card!

  4. Your BFF will love the memories these sweet badminton playing friends will bring back, Jules, and kudos to her for persevering! Your coloring of these fun PB critters is fantastic and the dotty pink background works a treat! Thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  5. I love the results of cards made by digging deep into one's stash. This is so sweet! (and yet another reminder to check out that PB series.) And the badminton is perfect for the Olympics!

  6. What a darling image and card Julie! It appears your and Karen were aligned for this challenge. Hubby and I have been glued to the Olympics and yesterday we watched a bit of Badminton. One of the rallies was 83 hits long. It was incredible and so fast! I love your creativity with these colors! Have a great day!

    1. The rallies in badminton are legendary, people who don't know the sport at this level are amazed by the speed of the shuttle and the agility of the players, it's SO under rated! Miss playing so much but while the mind is willing the body can't cope!!

  7. What a great story with your card - wonderful coloring on your critters who are surely doing what makes them happy!

  8. Your badminton playing critters are absolutely adorable; talk about the stars of the stage in every way! Love this.

  9. I see we were on the same wave-length when it came to Jill's great sketches and images from the Penny Black critters. What a find you had! Love the hedgie playing badminton. Your coloring is wonderful and the card couldn't be any cuter!

  10. A beautiful card. Thank you for sharing with us at Passion for Markers. Marlene

  11. Oh I love this card Julie. The sweet PB images are easily recognisable and you've coloured them perfectly. I love the embossed background. Thanks for sharing with us at Passion for Markers this week. Hugs, Denise x

  12. WOW! This hedgie and mouse came out to play at just the right time! You're right it is Penny Black this time around. Your card is so cute! I love the bright pink and polka dots.

  13. Eek, did you hear me squeal across the pond? I love these cut badminton critters, so cute!


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